來自西班牙藝術家邵曉露 Tavira,在當藝術家前有著多元的背景,音樂學院畢業後到了許多國家從事科技相關的工作,落腳台灣第一份工作在工研院擔任科技產業分析師,或許就是因為勇於挑戰、嘗試的個性,作品使用媒材多樣,從繪畫、攝影到雕塑,利用不同的語彙闡述關注的議題,對於環境的議題也有著自己的見解,將對植物的關懷,展現在創作上,像本次展出的《 AVALIN - Beautiful Breath of Life 生命中美麗的氣息 》更是將女性議題與對大自然的關注融合。
對於永續創生,邵曉露 Tavira 拿出其中一樣作品,一雙布滿青草的鞋子,與好事夥伴們分享:「這雙鞋象徵保護環境是一條不容易的路,不管這條路多難,台灣人還是可以做得到,所以我們要慢慢走,一步一步地做,有一天我們會成功。」
策進夥伴 – 西班牙獨立藝術家
邵曉露Tavira - Lourdes Salcedo
作品主題|《 AVALIN - Beautiful Breath of Life 生命中美麗的氣息 》
創作概念|“It’s time to see that if the tree growing inside of me perish, a part of me will also die.”
“該是時候了解,如果在我內心世界生長的樹木滅亡了,我的一部份也將死亡。” - Tavira
When we think about and discuss ‘nature’ it is always as something other, somewhere else, denying that we are part of it.
This denial it is diminishing our senses of connection and meaning with earth, setting us up to fail as we tackle important issues as climate change, ecological breakdown and other challenges. That’s why for this exhibition I wanted to bring nature into our own bodies, as if the trees, the flowers, the grass, or the moss were growing from within our own body parts in an attemp to waking us all up to realize, that at the end, we are all part of it.
Only by acknowledging our deep interconnection with nature, and finding a way of living in harmony with the rest of life on earth, we could reach our own salvation and that of the next generations to come.
策進夥伴|邵曉露 Tavira - Lourdes Salcedo
對談人|Jackson Lee
執行總監|Jackson Lee
專案經理|Su Susan
影音記錄|Jackson Lee、許芷苓
影音設計剪輯|Jackson Lee、許芷苓、蔡雲臣
公關夥伴|Becky Chen、Victoria Shen